Madame Alexander's Storyland Series - "Alice in Wonderland Red Dress"
While most of us are used to seeing Alice in her a blue dress, neither the wording nor original illustrations to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland indicated the color of her clothes. In a popular stage version of the story, staged by Henry Savile Clarke in 1886–87, Alice's costume was white (a decision endorsed for the next production by Lewis Carroll)
The first colorized version of The Nursery Alice by JohnTenniel, Carrol's illustrator, created for The Nursery "Alice", Alice's dress was yellow.
Subsequent colorized versions of Tenniel's illustrations created for editions of the Alice books after Lewis Carroll's death and without Tenniel's involvement have dressed Alice in different colors, including red, orange and chartreuse.
The blue dress later became the most well-known version of Alice's dress, showing up often in print and filmed adaptations that take their inspiration from Tenniel's original illustrations (including Paramount's 1933 movie, Disney's 1951 movie, and the 1972 movie.
The adorable "Alice In Wonderland Red Dress" features an 8 inch, fully articulated, blue-eyed, blonde Alice. Her red, crepe-backed satin dress has short, puffed sleeves, ruffled hem and crisp white collar.
It's paired with a lace-trimmed white pinafore. A black headband, a white cotton, lace-trimmed, petticoat, white pantyhose and black patent Mary Jane’s complete her traditional "Alice In Wonderland" outfit. NRFB
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